End Notes

Blinded by your fears you trample upon life,
Softly playing God with free unmoldable minds,
You harbor your thoughts
while you detain others who do the same,
What shallow spirituality
did you think we were living in?

Former words discounted and abandoned as a malady,
Another soft crunch on my desired spirituality,
I repeat myself
so strangers may see what you should have seen,
You destroyed a life to live out your stubborn fantasies.

How many lives will you ruin
with the softness of your touch?
How much chaos will you bring
to the next unsuspecting one?
I wish i could warn the world
against the vices of your kind,
But still i have this absence of hate holding me behind.

How many minds will you infect with your disease?
How many souls out there will you reduce to slavery?

[Cluster VI]