Dismal Gloss

Phantom eyes define this state,
Intrigued by illusions and concepts of hate,
Come pry into my world and see the desolate insides,
Come closer to my vortex of deceit and denial,
I pray you see whatever it is i seek,
Slaughter my innocence or just share my peace,
Bathe me in blood or enslave me in clay,
Turn to stone watching my misery take shape,
Come frolic in my wretched Salem of sins,
Let the hourglass drain your very life from within,
Become what i have, a shadow to my kin,
Feel what i've felt, pray let the torment begin!

Whats the harm in assuming my thoughts or my place?
Be a jester to your lord, living amongst a condemned race,
Become a pawn in this counsel of death,
Drown your sorrows in hollow words at best,
Darken your eyes while you lay in wait,
Lurk in denial while accepting your fate,
You need only to live at fault,
To know your pain for which you've fought,
Constant dilemmas of this chaotic dismay,
Is it really worth it to live this way?

[Cluster III]


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