Wars Of Chastity

Ode to none but God alone,
Past tense of misery, my brother i mourn,
The scars i keep concealed from harm,
Will drive me straight towards my lord's outstretched arms.
- 10/01/2001

The future brings what only God may bring,
Turn to Him and weigh your offerings,
Freedom of thought and purity of soul,
These are the words that were always foretold,
The Ace of Spades is solely God's domain,
Science and religion, the king buried deep within,
Fingerprints of spirituality into which all life fades,
While we take out place as the Jack and Queen of Spades.
- 09/21/2001


The scars of faith have been washed away,
The worth of words has a new fall from grace,
The wrath of time has drained me 'still',
The wounds remain but the demon's grace fulfilled.
- 10/03/2001

Shine through the words you long to say,
Expel from your heart the non-believer's dismay,
They mean you no harm,
They just don't see,
What you are or what you long to be.
- 10/02/2001

[Cluster VI]


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