Blind servants of faith


"If everyone agrees that we are weak, lowly, foolish, and despised, this is the first step in understanding that we are sinners. Knowing that we are sinners helps us realize that we need His grace."
[Joseph Lee - Christian E-mail Ministry]
On being foolish: Yes, humans are foolish... we hate and burn others at the stake for things that we don't understand or do not want to understand. When time reveals that we were ignorant, only then do we believe but give no apology or compensation to those we have wronged for the sake of safeguarding our ignorance.

On being lowly: Admitting to your limitations and the supremacy of God, nature and the laws of the universe serves to keep us humble (as it should) but how humble are we in reality? As a race, we are not very humble at all. I believe in respecting one's fellow humans and the environment that sustains us. You cannot respect these things till you learn to respect yourself and others around you. And I'm not referring to the kind of respect that vanishes when asked why one approach / religion is better than other. At this time, we display a sense of arrogance and self-righteousness. Therefore we are not lowly. We are actually very full of ourselves, our cultures, our heritage, our blah blah blah.

On being despised: I believe that the world does despise humans. If the Earth or the creatures that live here could talk, we would come to realize how despised we really are. We multiply and deplete the Earth's resources, force free animals in slavery, treat them and the Earth harshly and as our personal property. We go out when we please leaving our pets in cages or trapped within 4 walls so we don't lose ownership of them. All creatures are meant to be free... humans should look onto themselves and realize that we have evolved into the deadliest virus the Earth has ever known.

On being sinners: We are not born as sinners. We are born with a clean slate. It is up to us how we spend our lives... as sinners or as good human beings. The idea of labeling an innocent new born as a sinner is repulsive to me. Surely you would not label an infant a sinner? We do not inherit the sins of our fathers or our nation, we only choose to acquire them.


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